European Polymer Congress


European Polymer Congress, Lyon, July 2-7, 2017



  1.  Macromolecular Chemistry: From Precise Chemistry to industrial polymers

New polymerization routes and controlled architectures

Colloidal and interfacial polymer chemistries

Greener and bio-based polymer chemistries: biosourced monomers and building blocks, greener catalysis, bioderived polymers

  1. Processes and Polymers: Polymerization Processes and PolymerProcessing

Chemical engineering for polymers, new reactors, energy-saving processes

Rheology and formulations

Processing polymers and additive polymer-based manufacturing

  1. Physics of Polymers and Polymer Materials

Soft matter, adhesion, polymer colloïds, gels, surfaces and interfaces

New materials: nanostructured polymers and nanocomposites, porous polymers, polymer fibers, sustainable materials

  1. Polymer characterization methods
  2. Modelling and simulation
  3. Australian European worskshop

2nd edition co-chaired by Sébastien Perrier, Franck D’Agosto, Christopher Barner-Kowollik, Andrew Witthaker and Holger Schonherr

1 day

12 lectures (6 from Australia, 6 from Europe) to illustrate connections/interactions/collaborations between European and Australian polymer researchers


Polymer as Answers of Societal Issues

– Energy

Energy generation, storage, harvesting, and transportation

– Transport and Mobilities

Lightweight materials, composite materials

– Resources and environment

Water treatment membranes, recycling, durability, life-cycle analysis and engineering, microplastics in the environment

– Global Health

Bioactive polymers and nanomedecine, bioinspired polymers, biohybrides, polymers for medical imaging and devices

– Information Society

Polymers electronics, hybrid electronics, sensors

– Polymers and the Industry of the Future