Department of polymer modification

Head of Department Doctor of Sciences Sergey Ryabov.

In 1971, the department of physical chemistry of polymers (Head of NAS of Ukraine YS Lipatov) was isolated laboratory physical and chemical properties of polyurethanes, which was headed at the time PhD YY Kerch. In 1975, based on laboratory a department of physical chemistry of thermoplastic polymers, later renamed the Department of polymer modification, headed by a present member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Yu.Yu.Kercha.

In recent years the department trained 2 doctors and 15 candidates.

The research results are summarized in 4 monographs and set out in more than 600 scientific publications; Division Prizes were awarded to them. LV Pisarzhevskogo (1987) them. AI Kiprianov (1996) and Young Scientists (2005) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Development department by covering over 100 certificates for invention and patents.

The main achievements of department:

The scientific foundations of structural and chemical modification of hydrocarbon and urethane elastomers based on use in the modification of reactive and functional oligomers and their systems.

The basic principles and criteria regulating properties of segmented polyurethanes purposeful change (chemical and physical methods) of microphase separation in these segments of different chemical structure and stiffness which gives a scientific basis for the formation microheterogeneous polymeric materials with hybrid and functional properties of composites.

Theoretical aspects of weakening metals in presence of mechanical destructions polymers formulated mehano-destructions features heterophase dispersion polymers and metals.

By the results of basic research developed:

  • reactive urethane containing composition to produce elastomeric and composite materials by reaction, reaction-injection molding requirements for instrument making, mechanical engineering and the life;
  • urethanecontaining composites with a wide range of surface properties (elastic anti-friction and wear-resistant friction materials of different hardness, self-lubricating polymer systems and other functional composites);
  • friction tracks for creating coatings of mechanical and chemical means;
  • Polymer solid and liquid oils for cold metals processing;
  • Universal and water-soluble and abrasive diamond pastes and suspensions, as well as coolant and others.

List of books

  1. Керча Ю.Ю. Физическая химия полиуретанов. – Киев: Наук.думка,1979.- 221с.
  2. Ватулев В.Н., Лаптий С.В., Керча Ю.Ю. Инфракрасные спектры и структура полиуретанов. – Киев: Наук.думка, 1987.- 168с.
  3. Керча Ю.Ю., Онищенко З.В., Кутянина В.С., Шелковникова Л.А. Структурно-химическая модификация эластомеров.- Киев: Наук.думка, 1989.- 232с.
  4. Керча Ю.Ю., Онищенко З.В., Кутянина В.С., Шелковникова Л.А. Структурно-химическая модификация эластомеров.- Киев: Наук.думка, 1989.- 232с.

Some scientific publications

  1. С.В. Рябов, В.І. Штомпель, Ю.Ю. Керча, А.Ф. Лебедєв Хімічне формування та структура уретановмісних полімерів на основі beta-циклодекстринів // Полімерний журнал. – 2005. – Т.27, №1. – С.40-44.
  2. С.В. Рябов, С.А. Рудюк, З.В. Войтенко Супрамолекулярные металлокомплексные системы на основе циклодекстринов // Полімерний журнал. – 2005. – Т.27, №2. – С.67-76.
  3. С.В. Рябов, В.В. Бойко, В.И. Бортницкий, Т.В. Дмитриева, Л.В. Кобрина, Ю.Ю. Керча Масс-спектроскопическое исследование полиуретановых композитов, наполненных хитозаном // Полімерний журнал. – 2005. – Т.27, №3. – С.161-166.
  4. С.В. Рябов, Ю.Ю. Керча, С.В. Лаптий, А.Ф. Маслюк, С.Ф. Керча, А.Д. де Намор Фотохимический синтез сополимеров на основе beta-циклодекстрина // Доповіді НАН України. – 2005. – №9. –С. 159-165.
  5. С.В. Рябов, А.В. Яковенко, В.И. Кальченко, В.И. Штомпель, Ю.Ю. Керча, З.И. Казанцева, И.А. Кошец Сегментированные уретансодержащие полимеры с каликсареновыми макроциклами в цепи // Високомолекулярні сполуки, Серія А. – 2005. – Т.47, №11. – С. 1993-2004.

Contact Information

Телефон: +38 (044) 559-36-95
Факс: +38 (044) 552-40-64