
Head of Department,
Dr. chem. Sciences, Academician EV Lebedev
- The development of the theory of the formation of polymer composite materials based on polymers and oligomers of inorganic nature.
- Creating a scientific concept of the formation of polyurethanes with Si- P-, Al-, Cr-containing units in the polymer matrix, and identification of ways to control the properties of composites and related materials.
- Synthesis and study of regularities of formation of Al-, P-containing epoxy-inorganic polymer systems in order to obtain technical epoxy.
- Synthesis and study of regularities of formation of oligomer-oligomer and oligomer-polymer mixtures, consisting in combining synthetic and physical-chemical approaches to address the creation of flexible adhesives for various applications.
- The study of the phase separation and formation of the structure of the adhesive depending on the chemical structure of the starting components used for the synthesis. Study the adhesive properties of the adhesive compositions, linking these properties to the process of phase separation and formed as a result of this micro and macro structure, determine the ratio of the processes that take place in parallel: the reaction rate and curing rate of the phase separation.
- The electrical properties of the polymer compositions based on thermosetting and thermoplastic dispersed fillers (carbon black, graphite, dispersed metals), the study of the electrical characteristics of the organic-inorganic systems.
- Study of adhesion and physicomechanical properties of the polymeric compositions based oligomer-oligomer, oligomer-polymer blends and organic-inorganic polymer systems.
- Developing adhesive technologies using adhesives designed for the needs of the industry.
The department uses the following research methods and equipment:
- electronic and optical microscopy;
- method of determining the kinetic parameters for the phase separation of the light scattering intensity in the temperature range;
- isothermal and scaning calorimetry (calorimetr – 1-1A DAK, DSC TA 2000)
- rheological methods of research;
- definition adhesion properties of adhesive compositions (normal peel, shear, peel);
- analytical methods for monitoring the starting materials in the synthesis reagents and finished products (titrometry, potentiometry, conductivity);
- ebullioscope (ebuliograf EP-68) determination of number average MW;
- dilatometry;
- methods of simulating the effect of climatic conditions on the adhesive strength of adhesive joints in order to establish the conditions of the bond, and the development of recommendations of use glue joints;
- testing temperature cycling that simulates the conditions of use of the adhesive on the adhesive strength of adhesive joints;
Methods for measuring electrical characteristics (electroconductivity, dielectric properties).
Developments and Achievements Department of Polymer Composites
The department developed a theoretical basis for the modification of polymers by small additives. The thermodynamic criterion of extreme changes in visco-elastic and adhesive properties and durability of polymer-polymer systems. Grounded theoretical concepts of morphology and boundary layer transition in multicomponent polymer systems, colloid-chemical properties of the formation of polymer-polymer systems.
The study of the electrical properties of compositions with dispersed fillers allowed to establish regularities in the formation of the dispersed phase in the conducting polymer matrix. Found quantitative laws that connect the surface energy components of heterogeneous systems with percolation conductivity parameters.
The conditions of occurrence of conductive clusters in heterogeneous polymer systems, the model of “dynamic cluster” to describe the conductivity of the dispersed phase polymer compositions. The effect of technological factors on the parameters of the conductivity of metal-filled compositions, the interrelation of the rheological and electrical characteristics of carbon and metal-polymer systems.
Developed fundamental aspects of a new class of organic-inorganic polymers which can be used to produce on their basis of adhesives, coatings, constructive materials with high physical-mechanical and technological properties for various industries.
Created Al-, P-containing epoxy compositions in which Al atoms and F included in the chemical structure of the epoxy matrix with high adhesive strength, fire resistance and thermal stability.
Synthesized organic-inorganic systems based on urethane oligomers of different molecular weight with a high level of ionic conductivity which are capable of sorption of polar and nonpolar liquids, with electrical changes in sorption.
The approach to the creation of heterogeneous systems, consists in the fact that the formation of polymeric composite materials used in new hardeners inorganic nature, that are involved in the chemical transformation of the polymer system. The studies of regularities of formation of polymer systems in the presence of filler structuring simultaneously curing reactive oligourethane system.
On the basis of these systems developed polymer composites, for which one of the important characteristics of the application are the adhesion (adhesives, sealants, coatings). The boundaries of the suitability of these materials for specific conditions of use. Compositions in which the patterning of both organic and inorganic components occurs simultaneously confection have increased strength, enabling a glue vertical mounting technology and profiled surfaces constructions of concrete, brick, granite,
Division can offer the following application development at various levels of readiness:
- Chemical- protective, weatherproof coating facilities and equipment operating in hostile environments (galvanic baths, sewers, etc. produktovody.) Public Utilities and Communications;
- radiation-protection cover disposal of radioactive waste of nuclear power plants;
- Flame retardant polymer compositions for use in nuclear energy facilities and transport engineering;
- production technology of wood-polymer materials based on polymer waste and wood waste;
- Polyurethane orthopedic items;
- composite material based on polyurethane for making receivers limbs prostheses;
- conductive adhesive “Metakont” for joining dissimilar metals, ensuring conductivity in a wide temperature range;
- OC organosilicate binder designed for the production of non-toxic products from the pressed wood waste and crop production;
- Adhesive for glue connections when using spot welding through the adhesive layer;
- Adhesive for bonding and sealing of metals, rubber, polyurethane, ceramic, plastic, wood, particle-boards, PVC film, concrete, linoleum, leather and other;
- adhesives for bonding rubber profiles seals in shipyards, gluing rubber profiles into the slots hatches during ship repair works;
- thermo-cryo adhesive working at temperatures ranging from -263 to + 200 ° C;
Adhesive for bonding and restoration of diaphragm cells for the electrochemical extraction of nickel;
- adhesive putty the cracks of internal combustion engines, mitigation hydrocavitation drawdown water shell engines;
- adhesive for bonding dissimilar materials operating in the temperature range from -253 to + 250 ° C;
- adhesives for use in the construction of the installation work during the laying of cables of different types, attaching to the surface of concrete, brick, glass and metal electrical parts;
- Glue for hermetic metal compounds with glass, wood, cardboard;
- glue for sealing (gluing) of metal, glass, concrete, wood, foam to perform thermal insulation works on the gas ducts and chimneys of thermal power plants;
- adhesive fixing and fastening technologies cabling parts for installation work while laying cables instead of the traditional with the help of powder-actuated tool. The advantage of the technology is to reduce labor costs for installation of inserts, increasing the level of safety in the performance of these operations, a significant saving of copper alloys;
- the development of energy-saving technologies based adhesive developed adhesive compositions for use in a variety of industries where used as promising materials for which bonding is the only reliable way to connect them (ceramics, glass, polyimides, metals of different nature, carbon composites, etc.) ; execution of various repair works of all kinds of equipment.
List of selected works
- Лебедев Е.В., Ищенко С.С., Придатко А.М. Полимерные органосиликатные системы (обзор)// КПМ.- 1999.- Т.21, №1.- С.3-12.
- Іщенко С.С., Лебедєв Є.В. Хімічна, атмосферна та радіаційна стійкість органомінеральних полімерних композитів// Укр.хім.журнал.- 2001.- Т.67, №8.- С.116-119.
- Водні розчини алюмофосфатів в реакціях з уретановмісними ізоціанатами. Є.В.Лебедєв, С.С.Іщенко, В.Л.Будзинська та ін.//КПМ.- 2001.- Т.23, №1.- С.20-24.
- Силікополіфосфат натрію в реакції з поліізоціанатом. Лебедєв Є.В., Іщенко С.С., Будзинська В.Л. та ін.//КПМ.- 2002.-Т.24, №2.-С.22-25.
- Лебедєв Є.В., Іщенко С.С., Будзинська В.Л. Поліфосфати: будова, властивості, використання (огляд).// Вопросы химии и химической технологии.- 2002.- №3.- С.80-86.
- Розчини кислих фосфатів алюмінію в реакціях з епоксидними сполуками. Є.В.Лебедєв, М.І.Шандрук, О.В.Зінченко та ін.// КПМ.- 2002.-Т.24, №1.-С.33-35.
- Вплив термообробки на термічні властивості та вологопоглинання епоксидних композицій, затверднених кислим фосфатом алюмінію. Є.В.Лебедєв , М.І.Шандрук ,Ю.М.Нізельський та ін.//КПМ.- 2002.-Т.24, №2.С.104-107
- Е.В.Лебедев, М.И.Шандрук, Л.И.Костюк и др. Влияние аппретов на свойства наполненных полипропиле-новых композиций.//Укр.хим.журнал.- 1999.-Т.65, №6.- С.137-140.
- Костюк Л.И., Шандрук М.И., Колодюк Н.П Изучение влияния кремнийсодержащих аппретов на свойства наполненных полиэтиленовых композиций.// Укр.хим.журнал.- 2001.-Т.67, №8.- С.125-128 .
- Шандрук М.И., Костюк Л.И. Влияние кремнийуретановых аппретов на свойства полиуретанов, наполненных кварцем. //Укр.хим.журнал.- 2000.
- Кінетика процесу отверджування епоксиполіуретанових композицій. А.М.Куксін, В.В.Мужев, Є.В.Лебедєв та ін.//Укр. хім.. журн.- 2002.- Т. 68, №4.- С. 121-124.
- Куксін А.М., Горічко В.В., Лебедєв Є.В. Клейові матеріали, технологія їх застосування для відновлення герметичності пошкоджених ємностей і трубопроводів, що знаходяться під тиском.// – Сб. трудов Международной научно-технической конференции “Композиционные материалы “, Киев, Украина, 1998 г.- С. 77-78.
- Лобанов Л.М., Васильев Ю.С., Куксин А.Н. Влияние клеевой прослойки на формирование контактной площадки при точечной сварке низкоуглеродистых сталей.// Автоматическая сварка.- 2000.-№ 3.-С.11-15.
- Особенности процесса формирования эпоксиполиуретановых полувзаимопроникающих полимерных сеток. А.Н.Куксин, А.Е.Нестеров, Е.В.Лебедев и др.// Украинский химический журнал.- 1990.-Т.56, № 11.- C.1217-1221.
- Адгезионные материалы, работающие под давлением, и способ их применения. Э.Я.Горичко, А.Н.Куксин, Е.ВЛебедев и др.// Композиционные полимерные материалы.-1992.- № 51.
- Дослідження властивостей епоксиполіуретанових сумішей. А.М.Куксін, А.Є.Нестеров, Є.В.Лебедєв та ін. //Украинский химический журнал.- 1995.-Т.61, № 1-2.-C.55-59.
- Zois H., Apekis L., Mamunya Ye.P. Dielectric properties and morphology of polymer composites filled with dispersed iron //J. Appl. Polym. Sci.- 2003.- V. 88.- Р.3013-3020.
- Ізоціанатовмісні олігомери в реакціях з водним розчином алюмофосфата. Є.В.Лебедєв , С.С.Іщенко, В.Л.Будзинська та ін.// Вопросы химии и химической технологии.- 2003.- №1.- С.71-75.
- Структура і електричні властивості електропровідних полімерних композицій Є.П.Мамуня, С.Л.Василенко, Є.В.Лебедєв та ін.// Композиційні полімерні матеріали.- 2003.-Т. 25, №1.
- Dielectric properties of polymers filled with dispersed metals. Ye.P.Mamunya, V.V.Davydenko, L. Apekis at al.// Polym. & Polym. Compos.- 2002- V.10, N 3.- Р.219-227.
- Electrical and thermal conductivity of polymers filled with metal powders3″> Ye.P.Mamunya, V.V.Davydenko, E.V.Lebedev at al.// Europ. Polym. J.- 2002.-№ 38.-Р.1887-1897.
- New thermoplastic copolyamide/wood composites. Obtaining and characterization. M.Zanoaga, F.Tanasa , Ye.P.Mamunya at al.// Abstract of Seventh International Conference On Rontiers Of Polymers And Advanced Materials, 10-15 June 2003.- Bucharest, Romania.
- Kinetic of the stepgrowth polymerization epoxide in the liner polyurethane. Effect of the phase separation of components. E.Horichko, A.Kuksin , Y.Lebedev at al.// Reactive and functional polymers.- 1997.-Vol.33.- Р.351-357.
- Фазовое разделение в смесях эпоксидной смолы с поливинилацетатом и поливинилбутиралем с добавкой линейного полиуретана. Э.Я.Горичко, А.Н.Куксин, Е.ВЛебедев и др.//Украинский химический журн.- 1993.-Т.56, № 6, С. 668-670.
- Ye.P.Mamunya, Yu.V.Muzychenko, E.V.Lebedev at al. Percolation phenomena in polymers contained dispersed iron.// Polym. Eng. Sci.- 2002.- V.42, N1.- P.90-100.
- Electrical and thermal conductivity of polymers filled with metal powders. Ye.P.Mamunya, V.V.Davydenko, E.V.Lebedev at al.//.Europ. Polym. J.- 2002.- V.38.- P.1887-1897.
- Structure-dependent conductivity and microhardness of metal-filled PVC composites. Ye.P.Mamunya, E.V.Lebedev, V.P.Privalko at al.// Macrom Sympos.- 2001- V.169.- P.297-306.
- Processing, structure and electrical properties of metal filled polymers. Mamunya Ye.P., Pissis P., Lebedev E.V.at al.// J.Macrom. Sci.-Phys.- 2001.- V. B40, N 3-4.- P.591-602.
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